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Thursday, January 4, 2018

So When Would You Choose to Live?

How many times have you thought or heard someone say, “If only I could have lived back when…” People often long for the simpler times before automobiles and electricity everywhere. I think they may not be thinking about the full effect of how life really was back then. Hauling water from a well, building a fire to cook dinner and those cold dark trips to the outhouse in the middle of the night.

In religious circles people will be heard to say that they wish that they could have lived in Jesus day. Again, they may not be thinking things through. In Jesus day only a few thousand of the worlds entire population got to see and hear him. They got to see some miracles and hear some parables. The miracles would have been great, but many of those who saw them were among the ones, later shouting for his crucifixion. Also, there were only a few who were able to hear his specific instructions for living. These were the disciples. Consider Mark 4:10-12.

In or around 1450 AD a man named Gutenberg invented movable type and soon after that printed the first Bible that could be easily reproduced. Hooray! the Bible for the world. Well not exactly, it was in Latin, the language of “The Church”. How’s your Latin? But that was the beginning of a revolution. But that’s not what this is about.

When I was younger, Bibles were pretty easy for Americans to get a hold of. But you may have noticed that everyone is not American. A lot of people worked and many gave their lives to take the message of the Bible to people around the world. The printed Bible is a tremendous miracle and blessing.

I do not long for the old days! Yes, things are going way too fast for me. But today thanks to electronics people around the world who didn’t have access to the teaching and life of Jesus can read about and know Him. I realize that everyone doesn’t have a computer or a smart phone. But these things are much more accessible than they have ever been.

People around the world read this blog. People in places that 30 years ago could not hear a Gospel message. I am extremely thankful for this, but I am much more thankful to know that if they can get access to my blog they can also have access to the Bible and the ability to become disciples of Jesus.

I am extremely thankful to live in this time when The Bible and the life and teaching of Jesus is so accessible to people around the world. 

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