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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Doing What Comes Naturally. NOT!


The Scriptures seldom tell us to do what comes naturally.


Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, Rejoice.


Rejoicing always, is hardly a natural and constant condition for most people. Yet this is what the apostle commands us to do. It seems unnatural, even against reality, at times. Situations are not always a party. People are sometimes aggressively unpleasant. And we are commanded to, “Rejoice in the Lord always,” and then it is emphasized, “and again I say rejoice.”


Life is a battle, and the Christian life, or the life of a disciple is even more of a battle. But the war is not against other people. It is against the sin in my flesh that demands. Simply demands. Demands because of discomfort, because of fear, because of disappointment.

I will be happy when…(demand), I will rejoice when…(demand), I will pray when… (demand), I will love when…(demand), I will give when … (demand)


Scripture doesn’t tell us to be happy when we have lots of good food to eat or when we have every possession we desire or every pleasure.


Scripture doesn’t speak against many of those things in moderation and balance, but there is no need to tell us to rejoice then and be thankful. That is just the natural way.


God is not opposed to natural pleasure. He gave us those pleasures. But He wants us to experience greater life than just what we can have naturally.


He is not opposed, but what he wants for us is so much greater than our temporary pleasures and demands.


He wants us to enter into that eternal life, Now. The life that transcends the pleasures we naturally seek.


What does this mean for me, here where I have all my natural comfort and pleasure?


It may mean that in my quest for those things, I have gone astray from the things that are better. But it seems to me that many of my temporal blessings have just come to me and even though I have sought wrong satisfaction, I have consistently found myself seeking the right way. I don’t even know what that means


The Eternal Way.


No matter how pleasant my life is or how bright the prospects appear, I cannot begin to imagine the joy that my Father wants to give me, if I will only truly give my life completely to Him.


Frankly, I don’t think I even have a vague idea of what that means. I do believe that it involves disciplines of obedience that I will probably only be able to learn one or two at a time and that will be learned in the melee of daily life.


Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Let your moderation (confidence, hope…) be known to all people.  (How do I do that?) The Lord is very near.

Do not be anxious for any reason ever. Rather in every circumstance, by prayer, petition and meditation; always with thanksgiving, keep your heart attentive to your Father in the heavens. (The one who is very near) and His wonderful peace, which is beyond understanding will guard your heart continually in Christ Jesus.

Finally, dear sisters and brothers, 

whatever things are true, 
whatever things are honest, 
whatever things are just, 
whatever things are pure, 
whatever things lovely, 
whatever things are of good report, 
if the is any virtue, 
if there is any praise, 
think about these things.

                                          Philippians 4:4-9


This entire meditation is absolutely at odds with the flesh.


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