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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Claim Your Inheritance (79)

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven

For theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. What does that mean to you?

Jesus spoke a lot about the kingdom of Heaven. The first time we read is in Matthew 4 where he says “The kingdom of heaven is at hand.” The kingdom of heaven is very near. In the verse we are considering, he says that those who are blessed by being persecuted for righteousness sake are in possession of the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus began the blessings with the promise of the kingdom of heaven and here near the end of the blessings he promises it again. It seems to me that this may indicate that what comes between has a significant part in this business of possessing the kingdom of heaven.

As I endeavor to incorporate the virtues of the blessings into my life I find difficulty all around. The old nature wants to stand up and demand that things not change but remain as they always were. But if I by faith, turn away from the old ways and pursue the new life in Jesus, that embraces the virtues, I will suffer, but I will also enter into the kingdom of heaven. It will be mine.

Yesterday I shared a passage that is especially encouraging. In 1 Peter 1:4 it speaks of an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled and that does not fade away, which is reserved in heaven for you.

When a minor child is provided with an inheritance, there are usually qualifications to be fulfilled in order to receive that inheritance. This is usually something like coming of age or completing schooling.

In the case of the kingdom of heaven, some of the qualifications are set out in the beatitudes. The gifts or inheritance is explained in the blessings.

As we believe in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, let us also believe and enter into obedience to his words. This is how I can enter into the kingdom of heaven, this is how I claim my inheritance and it becomes mine.

an inheritance incorruptible, undefiled and that does not fade away, which is reserved in heaven for you.

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