The Gospel scripture reading for last week was from Mark
6:30-34 & 53-56. This practice of reading a selection from The Book of
Common Prayer is being interesting, thought provoking and a real blessing for
me. In this passage I saw 4 prominent thoughts developed as I read.
This passage follows the story of the execution of John the
Baptist. So, when it speaks of the apostles gathering themselves to Jesus and
telling him all that they did and taught it seems that this may also have
included the disciples of John. (just a suspicion) At any rate the apostles had
been on a mission and the disciples of John were tired and discouraged, so this
may or may not include both groups.
At any rate Jesus out of compassion says, “Come, let’s go to
a desert place and rest awhile.” In my daily prayers I repeat the 23rd
Psalm and something I have noticed especially is that it says, “He makes me lie
down…”. The Lord is truly interested that we take time to rest. Consider also
the commandment (Exodus 20:8-11), “Remember the sabbath day…”. Sabbath means ‘rest’.
The Lord is truly interested that we take time to rest.
And then in verse 34 I saw again a wonderful characteristic
of Jesus that Mark expressed on at least 2 occasions. Mark says he was moved
with compassion toward the people who had no shepherd. This is truly lovely and
encouraging for me. This is the heart of my savior toward me. And so, he will
teach me many things, as he did them.
Oh, in case you didn’t notice, when Jesus took them away to
a desert place to rest, the crowd still followed. But Jesus instead of becoming
impatient had compassion. Life doesn’t ever seem to stop coming at us.
Therefore, we must find our rest in God as we can and where we can and find
grace to not become impatient.
Finally, at the end of the chapter we see that as many as
touched him were made whole. The faith of the people was sure; as demonstrated
by their open pursuit of his mercy. Do I have the faith that will risk embarrassment
and openly come to Jesus for the healing and help that I need?
1. Jesus
is interested that we take time to rest
2. Jesus
is always compassionate toward our needs
3. He
does not become impatient when his plans are disrupted
4. Openly
pursue Jesus for the healing and help that you need.
It’s something to think about.
Be Faithful
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