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Sunday, July 29, 2018

Last Week's Gospel

The Gospel scripture reading for last week was from Mark 6:30-34 & 53-56. This practice of reading a selection from The Book of Common Prayer is being interesting, thought provoking and a real blessing for me. In this passage I saw 4 prominent thoughts developed as I read.

This passage follows the story of the execution of John the Baptist. So, when it speaks of the apostles gathering themselves to Jesus and telling him all that they did and taught it seems that this may also have included the disciples of John. (just a suspicion) At any rate the apostles had been on a mission and the disciples of John were tired and discouraged, so this may or may not include both groups.

At any rate Jesus out of compassion says, “Come, let’s go to a desert place and rest awhile.” In my daily prayers I repeat the 23rd Psalm and something I have noticed especially is that it says, “He makes me lie down…”. The Lord is truly interested that we take time to rest. Consider also the commandment (Exodus 20:8-11), “Remember the sabbath day…”. Sabbath means ‘rest’.

The Lord is truly interested that we take time to rest.

And then in verse 34 I saw again a wonderful characteristic of Jesus that Mark expressed on at least 2 occasions. Mark says he was moved with compassion toward the people who had no shepherd. This is truly lovely and encouraging for me. This is the heart of my savior toward me. And so, he will teach me many things, as he did them.

Oh, in case you didn’t notice, when Jesus took them away to a desert place to rest, the crowd still followed. But Jesus instead of becoming impatient had compassion. Life doesn’t ever seem to stop coming at us. Therefore, we must find our rest in God as we can and where we can and find grace to not become impatient.

Finally, at the end of the chapter we see that as many as touched him were made whole. The faith of the people was sure; as demonstrated by their open pursuit of his mercy. Do I have the faith that will risk embarrassment and openly come to Jesus for the healing and help that I need?

1.    Jesus is interested that we take time to rest
2.    Jesus is always compassionate toward our needs
3.    He does not become impatient when his plans are disrupted
4.    Openly pursue Jesus for the healing and help that you need.

It’s something to think about.
Be Faithful

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Take Small Bites

This spring my wife and I attended a prayer school in St. Joseph, Missouri on our travel from Oklahoma to Ohio. It was a little out of the way and quite a bit over our budget, but it was very well worth it. Part of that school was an introduction to The Book of Common Prayer. I don’t know what you have thought about such things, but as a Protestant Christian/charismatic/evangelical poor disciple of Jesus, this was something I had rejected out of hand. “Why do I need a book of prayers? I can pray on my own.” Yep I’m pretty stupid and arrogant. But now not so much so as before that enlightening weekend.

In The Book of Common Prayer are many helpful suggestions for Bible reading and prayer. Among those suggestions are Bible readings for each week of the year which include Old Testament, New Testament and Gospel readings for each Sunday week. In the prayer discipline that we received and are using we use this guide to give us the gospel reading which we read every day for a week. Reading and re-reading every day for a week gives it time to sink in and allow the message that is there to become living. I find this very beneficial.

I intended to write about this weeks Gospel reading in this article, but that will wait until another article. The point that I now see here is what my mother told me time and time again. “Take small bites and chew them well.”

We get in such a hurry to read this or that, go here or there, do this “ministry”. We are in danger of not letting the words sink in and have their affect.  

The prayer school which we attended and recommend very highly is a ministry of The Word of Life Church in St. Joseph Missouri. They offer this 2-day seminar a few times each year at their campus. Brian Zahnd the pastor teacher has also written a book which tells a lot of the story related at the school. It is entitled “Water to Wine”.  

Monday, July 23, 2018

5 Questions Answered

Here are my answers to the 5 questions that I proposed in a previous article. As I said in the previous article, I do not believe that these are the only correct answers. They are definitely not complete answers. I hope they are answers to promote thought and possibly discussion.
1.  What is the Gospel in your own words?
a.             God created man in his own image and gave him a job. Be fruitful, multiply and have dominion by the obedience of faith (Romans 1:5 & 16:26) man decided he had a better idea with a little encouragement. This resulted in a great separation between man and God.
b.            Through many generations God prepared a people to produce the one who could bridge the gap and restore the relationship that God (our Father) has always desired.
·                     Into that people God sent his only unique son, to be born of a virgin
·                     Jesus was born and lived a life as a man in obedience to his true father (God) to be an example for us to follow (I Peter 2:21)
·                     He was executed unjustly yet within the plan of God. So that he might be the perfect sacrifice to make the way for everyone who turns to him to be reconciled to God.
c.             Having been reconciled to God, we each one receives a measure of His Spirit so that we may each learn to live in that communion with God our Father. That was always his intention.

God, in His immeasurable love, sent His only begotten Son in order to make a way of restoration for all of mankind so that each of us could live in relationship with Him forever. Amen.

2. What is your hope? And why? (I Peter 3:15)
Psalms 17:15:
As for me, I will behold thy face in righteousness: I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness.
Romans 8:29
For whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son (Jesus) in order that He (Jesus) might be the first born among many brethren.

With the assurance of these and many other scriptures testimonies and witnesses my hope is to be becoming more and more like Jesus until I reach that goal by the power of God working in me through His Holy Spirit.
And then to live with Him for ever and ever.

3.  What does discipleship mean to me?
a)    I believe discipleship to Jesus is the process of learning to live the same kind of life as Jesus
b)    This learning or discipling is best done in close community with others who have a similar desire. I believe this best involves careful consideration of the life and teachings of Jesus the Christ with the intention of being changed to be like Him.

Disciplines involved include
v  Study of the Bible especially the Gospels
v  Prayer
v  Memorization and Meditation
v  Accountability with other disciples

4.  What are 3 important functions of a pastor?

1.    I see a pastor as a disciple, among other disciples. The first responsibility is to be being discipled by God in the person of the Holy Spirit and in accountable relationship with other disciples to help them become disciples and disciple makers as well.
2.    A pastor is a shepherd under the direction of the Great Shepherd and in agreement with the other shepherds (elders). Prayer is an important function and duty of a pastor for direction for his own life and direction for the flock of God in his care.
3.    A pastor needs to be teaching, leading and guiding the flock in his care into all righteousness; Not necessarily by feeding the flock but by directing them to where the food is to be found and encouraging them to feed themselves.
Mostly a pastor/shepherd should be learning and living the life of the Shepherd in the 23rd Psalm and the Good Shepherd in John 10.

5.  Please say something about Hebrews 10: 16-25.

:16-23  I believe that God our Heavenly Father is pleased to write His law on each heart that comes to him in open humility to learn and grow.
:24-25  I believe it is the responsibility of each of us as disciples to take every opportunity to find ways to encourage strengthen and build each other up in faithfulness and love, by getting together often in many ways for this purpose.

v   I do not believe this passage refers exclusively or even primarily to the general assembling on Sunday.

Next week or by the end of this week I hope to offer some thoughts on the gospel portion recommended for this week in the “Book of Common Prayer.” That portion is Mark 6:30-34 & 53-56.