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Wednesday, April 11, 2018

I need your help

I need help!

Over the years I have been involved with different churches. I know that some people call this by derogatory names, like ‘church hopping’ and they may be correct. Just the other day someone told me I was confused, and he may be correct.

However, as I have traveled around and heard several ideas about what this or that scripture means. Here and there I have been able to hear and read things I never could have understood on my own…valuable things.

There are several people who read my blog and I cannot imagine that you all agree with everything I say. Not even my wife does that, but that is another discussion. I do believe however, that if you have read more than a couple of my articles, you have a desire to follow Jesus more closely.

The fact that we don’t understand everything in the same way is exactly why I need your help.

Several years ago, I read more carefully the passage in Matthew 28:18-20. These words were spoken after Jesus was raised from the dead. For me this makes his claim of All Authority, absolute. Therefore, the command that follows is not optional.

If we are following Jesus we must take this command seriously. When I realized this, I began to look for ways to do what Jesus is saying.

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age.

With that in mind I set about to find a systematic discipleship program. There are several of these. I could not afford to get very many of these but I did look at a few. Without exception, these all started with church doctrine from the various groups where they originated. Not one began with instruction concerning the commands of Jesus.

Since I could not find any program which started with Jesus and His commands, I wrote one. This took a few years to get through the first 16 verses of Matthew 5. This study program is made up of 12 lessons, which are mostly scripture references and questions to promote thought and discussion. A couple of friends have used this and found it helpful.

I need your help in two ways.

First: I would really appreciate having other followers of Jesus take a serious look at what I have and make suggestions to improve the scope and benefit for others.

Second: I would appreciate any help in promoting this program. I am simply looking for ways to be obedient to Jesus’ command.

I am happy to share this program with any who request it. I have the program with and without daily devotions. I will be glad to email you a PDF file for you your consideration and comments.

There is no charge for this program. I created it as a matter of obedience to what I saw and understand. I can distribute it this way with very minimal cost and never understood it as a way to make money.

If you are willing to assist or share this program, please send your request to

Due to an extreme lack of response to this offer, I am canceling it as of 5/19/18.

Thank you
Be Faithful!

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