This week we began a study of the gospel of Matthew with my
wife, her sister and her husband. We are simply taking 1 or 2 chapters and
looking at them together to see what God will show us. This week we looked at
Matthew 1 and 2, not a very popular passage, except at the end of December.
However, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for
doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
(2 Timothy 3:16)
There are many stories found in Matthews genealogy: an
incestuous relationship, a prostitute, a foreigner, an adulterous and murderous
king, all of whom God included in the genealogy of Jesus. For me this is
encouraging. God is not ashamed of these people but includes them and doesn’t
attempt to hide their flaws. There’s room for me in the family of God. That’s
But, the thing that really gets my attention is Joseph. For
several years the faithfulness of Joseph has been an encouragement to me.
Imagine if you can, being a man who has worked to establish himself in a trade
and kept himself from women. Now he establishes a marriage covenant with this
young Hebrew woman and, all of a sudden, finds out she is pregnant! Would you
feel betrayed, angry, looking for justice?
This is not just a precious moments fairy story. This is
real people just like you and me.
It says Joseph was a righteous man, but the text goes on to
point out that he understood to be merciful. So, he decided not to make a show
of her but to divorce her quietly. There is a lot to say about this, but let’s
just leave it at, this was an extreme kindness.
After this Joseph is visited 4 times by an angel in dreams and
given instruction. Each time Joseph’s response is immediate obedience. (Matthew
1:24, 2:14, 2:21-22)
How do I respond to unfaithfulness and injustice, by those
around me? How quickly do I obey when I see the will of God for my life? These
are questions that arise for me. I hope they are helpful for you.
May we each one grow in mercy and obedience.
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