Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs
is the kingdom of heaven.
My brothers,
count it all joy when you fall
into different kinds of temptations, knowing that the trying of your faith
works patience. But let patience have its perfect work, so that you may be
perfect and entire, lacking nothing. (James 1:2-4)
WOW! Did you see that “all joy”?
And Jesus says “blessed”.
you ever gotten really happy when you were tempted to become angry, impatient
or discouraged?
course, this is easy to talk about when you’re warm and dry and there is food
in the ‘frig. But what about when the car won’t start, again? What about when
the rent is due now and pay day is a week away? What about when your son or
daughter is sick and you can’t afford the doctor or the medicine? These are
real trials. These are real temptations.
is where I truly show my faith. Do I count it all joy or do I doubt and become
discouraged and disagreeable? God’s word says that I should count it as joyful
when things don’t go my way.
If I
will be faithful God’s word promises that patience will be developed in me and
I will become perfect lacking nothing. Jesus says that the kingdom of heaven
will be mine.
you believe it? Will you purpose in your heart to live this promise?
our son was young, I would listen to his prayers at night. One night he prayed
that God would help him be patient with his sisters. We had a talk about how
God could help him the most to be patient. It was not by them being agreeable
all the time. No, we can only learn patience when things don’t go our way.
I realized that patience is not a gift from God. Trials and temptations are the
gift, because they develop patience in me.
in Heaven, help me to always be mindful that trials and temptations are the
gift that you give me to strengthen my faith so that I can learn patience and
become perfect and complete in you. What a wonderful Joy! Amen
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