Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit
the earth.
The first chapter of Daniel tells the story of 4 young
Jewish lads who had been taken captive by a foreign king and taken from their
home to another country where they didn’t understand the language or the
customs. Fortunately for them they were considered valuable captives and were
to be treated very well, provided for in every way and even given the same food
that the king ate.
Unfortunately, the food that they were offered was mostly
things that their law forbade them to eat. What could they do?
They could have stomped around and made a lot of noise about
how unjust this was and how the Babylonians were stupid barbarians who were
going to be judged by God and destroyed in the end. That probably would not
have worked out well.
Instead Daniel asked permission to not eat the food that he
believed would be wrong for him to eat. (Daniel 1:8) The servant who attended
them was afraid because if they did not remain healthy he would be killed for
not doing his duty by them.
So Daniel offered a compromise (Daniel 1:12-13)
beg you, try your servants ten days. And let them give us vegetables to eat and
water to drink. Then let our appearance be seen before you, and the appearance
of the boys who eat of the king's food. And as you see, deal with your
At the end of the trial they were found to be stronger and
wiser than all the other boys. After 3 years they were brought before the king
and these 4 were the wisest of all and they became counselors for the king.
They did not make demands, but rather they made a humble
appeal to do what they believed they should do. When that was rejected they
made an even more humble appeal for an alternative.
God gave them favor and they prospered in obedience. I
believe this is an example of being meek and getting a good reward.
Father in Heaven, please give me grace to learn from this example that
I can see in the life of Daniel and his 3 friends. In Jesus name, Amen.
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