In the beginning God spoke, and everything was created, by His Word. He put the first man in a beautiful garden and gave him a helper that he called woman. God gave them 2 rules. First take care of this garden. Second do not eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
There are many wonderful stories of how God did act on the part of the children of Abraham. They are written for us to enjoy and learn from in what is called the Old Testament. These are stories of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (who was later called Israel). There are also the stories of Joseph and his brothers, Moses and many other interesting men and women. God worked with and through these amazing and amazingly foolish people to bring about the one who would show us the way back to Him.
One of these people was David. He was a king of the people of Israel. He started out as a sheep herder, for his father’s flocks. He also wrote a lot of praise music. He was chosen to be king and did a lot of great things in Israel. He also did some pretty awful stuff by almost any standard. It is important to realize this as you learn the story of how God made the way for us to get back to him.
God used men that we call prophets to tell all who would listen that David’s kingdom would last forever. That is another way of saying one of his sons would be king of Israel forever.
Several years later, in a little town outside of Jerusalem, a baby was born in a cow shed. His mother had never had sexual relations with a man, but God had put the child inside her. She was married to a man who was a direct descendant of King David. It is very reasonable to assume she was also of the same family though not a close cousin. They were told to name the child Jesus. This name means; Salvation from Jehovah.
Jesus grew up in the land of Israel as the son of a carpenter. And he learned to obey by surrendering his will to the will of his Heavenly Father. Because the reason he came was to do the will of God.
Since the religious leaders were working at other things, they didn’t understand that this one was THE ONE who would lead them back to God. They became jealous of his popularity and power so they killed him. Their leader said, “It is right that one should die for the people.”
And so in their selfish arrogance they accomplished God’s will. When men turn from God, death is the only result. Jesus accepted that separation and punishment for us. He Died!
But God raised him from death. A record of his life has been given to us so we can follow him and find the way back to God.
I would like to invite you to join me and many others who have simply chosen to follow Jesus back to our Heavenly Father.
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