Lately I have observed something that may be a good thing.
I’m not sure.
In 1955 Robert Schuler started a church in a drive-in
theater, so that people could come and have the church experience without
getting out of their cars. That developed into the Chrystal Cathedral which was
a mega church in the greater Los Angeles area. Their message was very positive but
had little to do with Jesus, but the premise remained such that people could
come sit in their cars and experience what is commonly called church. There was
no community being built.
In recent years, most churches record the morning message
and make it available on-line for those who are not able to attend. I am sure
that in a lot of cases, this can hinder community.
When I speak of community, I am speaking of the body of
Christ building up one another.
More recently I have seen mega churches broadcasting their
messages live, with the stated intention of reaching people that may not even
be in their area. Others make their messages available on their website or on
YouTube. Also with the hope of reaching those who are not in their area with
their message.
In recent years I am drawn pretty definitely to the message
that we are to be followers of Jesus life and teaching with a view to becoming
more and more like him. (Matthew 28:18-20, Romans 8:29)
As I find Christians round about, I rarely find those who
are interested in discipleship that requires a change of lifestyle. Most of the
churches that I visit just seem to promote good behavior and ascent to specific
doctrines. Discipleship is not required.
If someone is interested, there are churches that do promote
discipleship, however they may be in another state or country. Thanks to
technology we can find teaching that encourages discipleship.
Some of these
churches also encourage the formation of small groups in your local area. These
groups are for the church to function to encourage and build up one another.
Also, they can be involved as a group in the community to do beneficial service
for the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus.
The question is, can these electronic churches be a benefit
to the Kingdom of God. I think there is potential if we who want to grow and
have not been encouraged by the classical church, will take initiative and
promote in our area what we have found.
What do you think?