I have
hidden Your Word in my heart, so that I might not sin against You. (Psalms 119:11). What a wonderful powerful verse of
scripture which so many have stored in their mind but has gone nowhere near
their heart.
is where we have failed and where we must work if victory in anything is ever
to be experienced.
Matthew 4 you can read about how Jesus was tempted. For years I had no
appreciation for what he was going through in this situation. But then, I have
never fasted for forty days or been led into the wilderness to be tempted.
Well, try to imagine not eating anything for forty days. Maybe you should start
with four days. He would have been physically and emotionally weak, very weak.
The suggestions that he was offered would have been very enticing. A piece of
bread after 40 days would have seemed like a banquet. To easily accomplish
recognition in that weakened condition would have been very attractive. He knew
that the world was his inheritance, to quickly and easily take possession would
surely look tempting.
saved Jesus?
was saved because he had hidden God’s Word in his heart. Read what is written
in the chapter.
people memorize scripture for many reasons. Memorizing God’s Word will do you
little good.
If it is to protect you from sin, it must be hidden in your heart.
do I hide God’s Word in my heart? FIRST, you do need to memorize it. THEN, you
need to meditate on it. Say it to yourself over and over. 5 times a day to
1. When you go to bed.
2. When you wake up
3. When you have your
breakfast or morning break.
4. When you have your mid-day
5. When you have your dinner.
that is just to start. As you work with God’s word in this way you will become
aware of it in everyday life situations. For instance, if you memorize 1
Corinthians 13, as you go through your day, you will notice times when your
behavior and God’s word are not in agreement. Then you will have an opportunity
to have a prayer meeting with God. This is where God’s word gets hidden in your
heart. This is how God’s Word will keep you from sin.
Becoming Jesus’ disciple is not easy. Words like suffering
and fear have been removed from new translations of the Bible but if we do not receive
chastisement we are bastards and not sons (Hebrews 12:8). Disciple and
discipline are from the same root and clearly indicate harsh training to effect
change. (Romans 12:1-2) Memorizing God’s Word is not easy but becoming Jesus
disciple is not easy.
Start where you can. I began by memorizing the beatitudes and
repeating them like I have illustrated. They have worked changes in my life. I
have added other passages to work to protect me from the sin I see in my life.
God will help us if we make a beginning. Then we must also persevere.
We must each learn faithfulness in the little things.